Tuesday, 23 September 2014

How to Make a Woman Happy

1.Respect Her:The most important thing,
the thing you should always do even if
you don't do anything else, is to respect

Basically: treat her the way that you
would expect to be treated. When you
love someone, that's the most important
thing for you to do. There cannot be true
love without respect.

*.Value her opinions, give her the
chance to speak her mind, never
demean her or insult her, don't judge
her, understand and appreciate her for
who she is, be honest with her, etc.

2. Remove the conditions for your love.A
big part of respecting her is stepping
back and empowering her to make
decisions for herself. Make sure she
knows, even if you have to tell her every
day, that you love her no matter what
choices she makes for herself. Her
choices are what make her who she is.
When a man makes his love conditional
on the choices that a woman makes to
please him, he's really just loving
himself. And a good woman deserves
more than that.

*.Don't make her feel like she has to
choose between making you feel happy
and taking a job that makes her feel
fulfilled. Don't make her feel like she has
to choose between you finding her
attractive and the massive discomfort
associated with pubic shaving or waxing.
These are the kinds of decisions that she
should know you're going to have her
back on, no matter the outcome.

3 Listen to her.Don't just be quiet when
she's talking, actuallylistento her. Active
listening involves asking questions and
really responding to what she's saying.
This tells her that you're really paying
attention, but it also helps you focus
more and remember what she's saying.

*.Sometimes when you hear someone
telling you about a problem (or anything
really), you might feel the need to just
jump right in and say something or offer
solutions. This is probably not what that
persons needs, though. When someone
tells you about their feelings (regardless
of their gender), what they need is to be
heard, so just listen. When they're done,
they might ask you for advice. If they
don't ask, you can kindly offer. Just
acknowledge how she feels, don't take
control of the conversation.

4 Don't be a jerk.Take full responsibility
for what comes out of your mouth, as
well as how you choose to interpret what
you hear. When you make a mistake,
own up to it and work to make it better.
Don't be selfish in your interactions or
your relationship as a whole.

*.Avoid common non-apologies like "I'm
sorry that your feelings got hurt". This is
a common way to make women

*.Even if you did something that you feel
is normal, like looking at a pretty
waitress, and your girl gets mad at you,
you still have to realize that that action
hurt her feelings. Whether you'd cheat
on her or not, the burden of doubt is
heavy and can kill a woman's ability to
enjoy being with you.

5 Never take her for granted.Appreciate
everything she does for you and let her
know that you appreciate everything that
she does for you. Never assume that
she's stuck with you, or think that just
because she loves you you don't have to
work to deserve her anymore. You can
get away with letting yourself go
physically, but you should never let
yourself go emotionally. The second you
start taking her for granted is the second
she starts looking at other guys.

6 Don't be a burden.This is the fastest
way to make a woman lose interest in
you. You don't want to be another
"child" to take care of. You're her man,
not her son. This means that you need
to be an adult, be reliable, and be
responsible. Take care of yourself
financially, help out around the house,
be there for her when she needs help,
and make good on the promises you

7 Be loyal.Women that you're with aren't
impressed by you being smooth with
other ladies, and planting the seeds of
distrust in her mind will only make her
worry that you're a jerk, even if you
never cheat on her. Be loyal and don't
give her any reason to doubt you.

*.Spend time with her more than any
other woman, don't look at or comment
on other women, and make her
happiness your priority.

*.You should also stop putting on the
show of attracting other women. Don't
wear clothes that are designed to appeal
to other women. Just wear what you
know she likes. You have a woman
already, so you shouldn't be worried
about others wanting you, right?

8 Pay attention!Notice what she says and
does. Pay attention to when she says
she "wishes" something or talks about
wanting to do something. You should
also pay attention to how she chooses to
spend her time. This will help you
understand what's important to her. Just
like some things that are important to
you are boring to her, you're going to
have to at least understand some things
that don't matter to you. Plus, you never
know when you might miss something
that's actually very important.


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