Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Law of Attraction For Relationships – How to Make Love Happen

The Law of Attraction is very simple: like
attracts like.It’s a universal law that doesn’t
play favorites. It doesn’t determine who is
“worthy” of love. Your life mirrors what is
going on inside you so attracting the right
person means projecting the kind of energy
they radiate.

To attract a relationship using the Law of
Attraction, follow these steps:

1. Raise your vibration.Would you rather be
around someone who is happy and centered
or frustrated and angry? It’s an obvious
answer but it’s hard to see yourself

Many people say they are
optimistic and happy, but if you listen to what
they say and the energetic vibe you get, you
see that they are neither.

What sort of ‘vibe’ are people picking up on
from you?

How do you see yourself, and how
do others see you?

Are you cheerful or

Desperate or confident?

It may be
hard to perceive the energy that others are
feeling so look around you at the state of your
relationships – are people naturally drawn to
you or do you find yourself left out?

Are your
relationships healthy?
You can only attract what you project, so
raising your vibration will draw the right
person to you. Use the Love or Above Spiritual
Toolkit to increase your personal energy

2. Be happy!Many people assume that theywill
be happy when… “I have the perfect mate, job,
home, money, etc.”They pin their hopes on
some future event that will miraculously make
life good. But happiness does not lie in these
things.They contribute to your life experience,
but they are not the source of happiness.

are the source of your happiness!Be happyso
that the energy you project attracts happy
people. Use the Spiritual Toolkit to raise your
vibration and happiness.

Also – be aware that if you project the energy
oflack(“I don’t have anyone to love“) orneed(“I
need someone in my life“) you will attract lack
and need.Instead, focus on being happy with
what IS and invite that special someone to
share your awesome, happy, fulfilling and rich

3. Have a passion.A person with a passion or
purpose feels ALIVE. It’s such an awesome
feeling, isn’t it, to be totally immersed in doing
something you love! You’re full of energy,
enthusiasm and happiness… the life force is
very strong.

Other people pick up on that vibe
too! You’ll find yourself attracting people with
the same passions – and people will be
attracted to your strong life force. Your
passion may be the basis for a new

4. Be interested in other people.Obvious, but
tricky. Everyone loves to talk about themselves
and to be the object of attention from another
person but unless you become good at being
fascinated by other people, they will pick up
on your “it’s all about ME” attitude (veryoff-
putting). If you’ve ever been on a date with a
person who only talks about themselves and
shows zero interest in you, then you know
what this feels like.

Date over! Cultivate an
interest in people by being fascinated by the
differences and similarities between human
beings.What makes you tick? What is life like
from your vantage point? What are your

5. Radiate love.It can be tempting to criticize
and judge people… even in the spirit of
wanting to help them improve themselves.

don’t! Your way is not necessarily their way.
What’s good and right for you may be all
wrong for them. Instead, radiate love to all
you meet. You can silently say, “I love you” to
everyone. Sure, everyone! The person at the
checkout, the customer service rep on the
phone, the person in the car in front of you,
friends you haven’t seen in years… Meditation
is a great time to do this.

Starting off a
meditation session by stream-of-consc
iousness naming people and saying, “I love to
you” is a really powerful vibration-lifter. Don’t
forget the people you are having difficulties
with – in fact focus your love energy on them!
Doing random little kindnesses for people is a
great way to foster a feeling of love. Something
small, like a quick note or phone call to say,
“I’m thinking about you” can make someone’s

And don’t forget yourself! Love yourself!
Treasure your quirky, weird little habits.
Cherish your talents and gifts. See your
beauty. Feel your worthiness. Feel your one-
ness with all.

6. Smile.A smile is a powerful thing, more than
a bunch of muscles contracting in your face. It
has a huge emotional impact. You can
instantly change your mood and go from
stressed to serene, grumpy to giggly and “go
away” to “welcome.” Smiles are much more
attractive than frowns or sad faces.

A smile
raises your vibration instantly! Start the day
off by smiling at yourself in the mirror (and
don’t forget to say, “I love you” to yourself!)


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