The Ten New Laws of Love
At the Heart of Our Teachings: Ten
natural "new" laws of love -- perhaps the
most powerful breakup-prevention
program available today. We hope they
move you by what is truly possible, and
inspire you to begin creating your own
Chemistry: The First New Law of Love
Chemistry is the magic, the special
energies that signal partners possess the
raw material for success. Chemistry is
not optional because it provides the
synergy couples need to get through the
rapids of relationship -- and keep them
high on course to their grandest goals.
Priority: The Second New Law of Love
Priority is a couple's commitment to
keep the health of their relationship
front and central. It asks partners to
begin to psychologically "leave the nest"
of their first families -- and to address
any compulsions and addictions,
including codependence -- in order to
be fully available to their second family.
Emotional Integrity: The Third New Law
of Love
Emotional Integrity asks partners to
create an "emotional safe zone" with
each other. They do this by taking
responsibility for their feelings --
especially by learning the difference
between "acting them out" and
expressing them healthily. This law also
guides partners in identifying and
healing blind spots and "buttons" that
cause disharmony in all relationships.
Deep Listening: The Fourth New Law of
Deep Listening is the greatest act of love
-- and a skill. It is partners' ability to
hear each other's words, and the
feelings underneath, with compassion
and empathy.
Equality: The Fifth New Law of Love
Equality is about fairness and respect. It
involves acknowledging power
imbalances in the relationship and helps
partners see through the tyranny of
unnegotiated -- and often antiquated --
roles, responsibilities and unconscious
Peacemaking: The Sixth New Law of Love
Peacemaking is a couple's commitment
to maintain their emotional safe zone
through the use of anger management
and conflict resolution tools and New
Couple agreements.
Self-Love: The Seventh New Law of Love
Relationship landmines are precise
gauges of pockets of low self-love and
unfinished emotional business from
childhood. This law teaches partners
how to deeply defuse conflict and fall
back in love with everyone.
Mission in Life: The Eighth New Law of
This law teaches that true love cannot be
sustained until both parties are on some
level engaged in his or her own true
work. Mission in Life is partners'
commitment to the fulfillment of their
own and the other's life purpose.
Intimates are either a mission's most
powerful support or its most formidable
Walking: The Ninth New Law of Love
Walking involves addressing the primary
insecurities that plague all partners,
because emotional and financial
dependencies can mean slow death -- of
respect, trust and passion. When
intimates are willing and able to leave
the relationship if need be, it's their best
insurance that they won't!
Transformational Education: The Tenth
New Law of Love
Transformational Education is the fail-
safe mechanism of the Ten New Laws of
Love. It represents partners'
commitment to do whatever learning
and healing is necessary if they get stuck
on any of the first nine laws.
1. Chemistry:
The First New Law of Love
2. Priority:
The Second New Law of Love
3. Emotional Integrity:
The Third New Law of Love
4. Deep Listening:
The Fourth New Law of Love
5. Equality:
The Fifth New Law of Love
6. Peacemaking:
The Sixth New Law of Love
7. Self-Love:
The Seventh New Law of Love
8. Mission in Life:
The Eighth New Law of Love
9. Walking:
The Ninth New Law of Love
10. Transformational Education:
The Tenth New Law of Love
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