Thursday, 15 January 2015

RELATIONSHIP : Does he love me? - Signs that he loves you

1. He tells you
If he says those three words and says them
often, count yourself lucky. A lot of men
assume that their women know they're loved
and don't really tell them often enough. If he
realizes your need to hear him say he loves
you, and he means every word of it, he's truly
one of a kind. A man may not say the actual
words but imply as much when he tells you
how fortunate he feels to have you in his life.

2. He shows you
Some men aren't exactly good with words and
expressing their feelings. But they choose their
own avenues of expression. This kind of guy
does things, little or big to show you how
much you mean to him. That may include
ordering take-away when he thinks you need a
break from cooking or taking the kids off your
hands so that you can have some time to
yourself. Yes, you may need to hear the words
from him, but have you never heard that
'actions speak louder than words?'

3. He makes you feel special
And then there's the man who's always trying
to keep the romance alive. He brings you
flowers or wakes up extra early to bring you
breakfast in bed. He's always going out of his
way to make you feel exceptional.

4. He's happy around you
He sometimes foregoes time with his guy
friends just to be with you. It may be because
you've been feeling particularly low or you
haven't spent enough time together lately or
just because he feels good to be with you. If
he can't get enough of you it's a sure sign that
he's got it bad.

5. He listens to you
We're not talking 'You command, he obeys'.
But when you're talking, he's genuinely
interested in what you're saying and gives you
his undivided attention. He looks at you (not
at the television blaring in the background or
the newspaper in his hand), responds
appropriately and gives you the idea that he's
really concerned about your concerns.

6. He compliments you
He notices when you make an effort with your
appearance and appreciates it. He tells you
which things suit you and add to your look. It
always feels great to dress up but when he
looks up admiringly and tells you so, you know
you matter.

7. He takes care of you
If he babies you when you're sick and nurses
you back to health, you can be pretty sure
you've got a good thing going. If your comfort
level is so high that you can look most
miserable and still be secure enough in his
love, you've got it made. Marriage vows don't
include the "In good times and bad, in
sickness and health" clause for nothing. Rose,
a high-flying career woman, recalls the time
she was suffering from a stomach infection
and feeling wretched. "I was running a high
fever and feeling like my stomach was turned
inside out. The only thing that made me feel
like I should hasten my recovery was Marvin,
my boyfriend. He was like a guardian angel.
He soothed my fevered brow and held the
bowl while I puked my guts out. If ever I had
any doubt about his undying devotion for me,
it was quelled at that instant."

8. His friends and family respect you
Sometimes you can gauge how a man feels
about you from the way his circle of friends
and close family behave around you. If they
hold you in high regard, you can be sure he's
been telling them just how happy he is to have
you in his life.

9. He appreciates your worth
Sometimes men choose more indirect ways of
expressing their true feelings. He may not
actually tell you he loves you or even do
anything special. But he may tell you how
proud he is of your achievements or what a
good mother you are or even how well you
run the house. You may even find him praising
you to the skies to family or acquaintances.

10. He asks for your opinion
When important decisions are at stake, either
concerning him or both of you jointly or even
the kids, he doesn't just go ahead and do
what he thinks is right. He asks for your advice
and not just for the sake of it. He often
considers it and may even go by it. Or if he
doesn't, he tells you why he didn't.

11. He takes your feelings into account
If something upsets you concerning his family
or friends, he tries to see your side of it. He
feels for you and even if he's seen you cry a
thousand times before, he still tries to make
you feel better and has that tissue box at

12. He's interested in what you want too
Let's say you're both watching television and
you want to watch Oprah, while he'd like to
catch Arsenal v/s Chelsea. You know how men
are where football is concerned! If he lets you
watch your choice of program, not just
grudgingly but because he loves to see you
happy, you've got a winner. And if he actually
sits through it just because he wants to be by
your side, you know he's a goner!


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