Saturday, 10 January 2015

RELATIONSHIP : Tips To Seduce Any Woman Of Your Choice

1. Seduction is an art. It takes as much
practice as learning a musical instrument or

2. Empathy is essential to seduction. Every
woman is different, so tailor your date, your
words and your actions to that specific
woman. You must know what she is thinking
before you can offer her the pleasure she

3. Read poetry. Notice the imagery, the
ambiguity and the sound. Notice how modern
poetry uses colloquial language to achieve all
that. Don’t use big words or cliches. Your
language should be “diabolic” (ethos and
pathos) like that of a naija politician.

4. If she senses that you are seducing her, she
will run away. The pace of your seduction
should be slow and the volume should be

5. All women like power in at least one of its
many manifestations: money, status,
intelligence, strength, etc. You need at least a
little before you can seduce the most beautiful
of women.

6. Many girls will tell you that confidence is
what they look for, but nothing will increase
your confidence like a successful seduction.

7. Insinuation is a must. Only a movie star or a
professional athlete could expect success with
a brash line like “let’s go back to my place
and, ”

8. Don’t be a doormat or a people-pleaser. If
you are perceived as weak, you will never get a

9. Always be honest, meaning don’t tell a lie. A
lie is something you can get caught in. Don’t
lie about your income, whether you have a
girlfriend or not, whether you are good at
sports, etc. Girls can see right through lies.
However, bending the truth to achieve a more
poetic effect is absolutely necessary. Also,
most of the time, the correct answer is to say
nothing at all.

10. Seducing a woman is like dancing with a
woman. Sometimes you hold her close and
sometimes you let her shine on her own and
watch. If you are too clingy, she will feel
suffocated. If you let her go and never come
back, she will be insulted.

11. Reveal yourself slowly and only when
directly asked. Don’t show more of yourself
than she asks for. When the mystery is gone,
the seduction is over.

12. Girls with boyfriends make excellent
targets. If you can seduce a faithful girlfriend
without showing up on the radar, you will
have no problem with a single girl.

13. Seduction does not always end in the
bedroom. If you seduce a faithful girlfriend or
wife, she may decide to cut off all contact with
you when she realizes that she is in love with
you. Mark it as a success and be thankful that
you didn’t have to break up with her. Do NOT
however, go around ruining lives, there are
people out there who are happy with each
other, and who really don’t need you to ruin

14 Not every woman can be seduced. Yunger
girls want to feel mature and older girls want
to feel young.

15. If the seduction fails for one reason or
another, leave a good space of time before
attempting to seduce her again. She must
completely forget about the bad stuff before
you can try to revive the old feelings.


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