Thursday, 26 February 2015

Goodluck Jonathan Visits Mubi and Baga In Full Military Outfit [Photos]

The President said that with their recent
successes, which have overwhelmingly
turned the tide against Boko Haram, the
Nigerian military has proven beyond
any doubt that it remains fully capable
of defending the territorial integrity of

The military’s recent victories
against Boko Haram, President
Jonathan told the troops, have also
proven conclusively that all those,
within and outside the country, who
cast aspersions on Nigerian soldiers
and questioned their ability and
willingness to overcome the insurgents
were misinformed and wrong.

The President assured them that they will be duly
rewarded for their bravery and patriotic
service to the nation at the successful
conclusion of ongoing operations
against Boko Haram.

Olamide showed off his G Wagon

Olamide showed off his G Wagon on his
Instagram page by climbing on it with the
caption above, that must have cost a
fortune though. Congrats

Popular Model Shot Dead At Her Boyfriend’s Home

Model Mirjana Puhar who contested in the
2014 edition of ‘America’s Next Top Model’
was killed yesterday Tuesday February 24th
in a triple homicide at her boyfriend’s
home in Charlotte, NC.
According to TMZ , A source who was very
close to Mirjana confirmed to TMZ that she
was one of the 3 victims found dead in a
home that belonged to Mirjana’s boyfriend.

The source says a friend of the couple went
to the house after getting a call that
gunshots were heard. We’re told the friend
went into the house, saw 2 bodies —
Mirjana and the bf — and then called
police to report the killings.

The friend
didn’t see the 3rd victim, but did see
money scattered around the house. 19-
year-old Mirjana was on the 21st cycle of
‘ANTM’ … which aired last year. She was
eliminated from the show in the 10th
episode. Law enforcement sources tell us
the preliminary investigation leads police to
believe the murders were drug related —
and the victims knew the killer.

source says the young model had only been
with the boyfriend for a few months.

Thursday, 19 February 2015

Things Men Don’t Like

1. Stupid Baggy Dress
I know this really is new to hear but believe
me ladies; it keeps men off your company. So
Stupid Baggy Dress is as good as he can come
up with. These are those short dresses that
are baggy on top and around the stomach
area then get tight around the thigh. He don’t
care if you feel bloated while you’re on your
period, there is no excuse for this. It looks like
a Mumu for hookers, according to him.

2. Make-Up
Contrary to what all women believe, men can’t
stand make up. Natural is sexy. Unless you are
naturally ugly… then by all means, pile it on.
It’s nice to get dolled up from time to time,
but if in the morning His pillow looks like a
Picasso painting maybe it’s time to re-asses
your application techniques.

3. Masters of the Obvious
For some reasons girls LOVE to point out the
obvious. Just because something pops up into
your head doesn’t mean you should vocalize it
with the group. Think before you speak, if it
sounds interesting to you it probably isn’t.

4. Mentally Fat Girls
The only thing men hate more than fat girls
are skinny girls who think they are fat. When
he compliment you, accept it… say thank you
and move on. Please don’t question his
compliment or match it with a “ugh, are you
kidding? I feel like a cow.” The most attractive
thing to a man is confidence… get some.

5. Nagging
Contrary to popular belief, he heard you the
first time. If you ask him to take out the trash,
chances are he will, just on his own time.
When you ask him to do something, you mean
now, and he don’t like that. What you see as a
lack of urgency, he see as patience and an
innate ability to assess the situation without
rushing, just stop jumping to conclusions.

6. Jumping to Conclusions
Jumping to conclusions is a dumb thing to do
because it means you don’t actually consider
any other possibilities. You are assuming
something. For example, if you lost
something/had it stolen, and you saw
someone with an exact copy of that thing, you
might automatically assume that person stole
it, but they might just have on themselves. And
if you accused them wrongly, that would be a
bad situation.
There is no worse enemy to the typical woman
than her own mind.

7. Talking on The Phone
Thanks to the power of texting, it is quite
acceptable by today’s standards to have a
complete relationship without ever talking on
the phone. Granted, that doesn’t lend itself to
a healthy relationship… it will, however, make
men happy. The only way talking on the phone
is acceptable is if the conversation is held to
under 4 minutes and 30 seconds. There is no
reason why any conversation should take
longer than that.

8. Talking in General
If you want to talk about your day, he will
begrudgingly listen and nod his heads as you
go on and on and on about every little detail.
When you turn the tables, don’t expect him to
be quite as open. When men are asked the
question “How was your day?” there are only
three answers they can supply. A) Good. B)
Fine. C) It sucked. All three of those answers
do not require, nor will it ever, be
accompanied by an explanation. He worked
really hard to get through his day; he doesn’t
want to relive it by explaining the whole damn
thing to you.

There is a big difference between giving up and letting go

There is a big difference between giving up
letting go. Letting go means freeing yourself
from something that is no longer serving you.
means removing toxic people and belief
from your life so that you can make room for
relationships and ideas that are conducive to
your wellbeing and happiness.

Giving up
your life. Letting go expands it. Giving up is
imprisoning. Letting go is liberation. Giving up

Letting go is self-care.So the next
time you make the decision to release
something or someone that is stifling your
happiness and growth, and a person has the
audacity to accuse you of giving up or being
weak, remind yourself of the difference.

yourself that you don’t need anyone’s
permission or approval to live your life in the
way that feels right. No one has the authority
tell you who to be or how to live.

The Easiest Way To Be The Best You Can Be

1 Figure out what you want from life.Write
it down, and every day make a small step
towards that goal. Rome wasn't built in a
day. Don't stress about time. You have
your entire life.

2 Look in the mirror every morning and
say; "Today, I will be the best I can be."
Yes, it sounds corny, but it really helps
building confidence.

3 Ask people you trust (family, friends)
for constructive criticism on different
parts of your life.They will most likely be
honest with you and can help you to
become a better person.

4 Find a role model.Someone you admire,
or wish you were more like. it could be a
neighbor who always has a smile, or a
celebrity who really accomplished their
dreams. See what makes that person so
great and try to do what they do.

5 Be confident.No one ever got anywhere
amazing by playing it safe. Take risks.
Sometimes you fail, but it's worth it to
gain learning experience. And sometimes,
you just might win.

6 Smile often.This will make you
automatically go into a positive mood. It
will make you and those around you feel
happy, and people will feel more
comfortable to approach you.

7 Eat healthy.This is an incredibly
important step to live life to the best. Not
just eating healthy, but go to the gym and
train daily, or even just go for a jog
around the yard. This will keep you in
shape and you will feel extremely
energetic and ready to do anything.

8 Be yourself.We were talking about being
yourself when you dress, but also be you
in your personality. Make the most of
being in the skin you're in.

9 Try out new things!Don't be afraid to try
something else out. Join a group or club -
sign up for the choir, join a dance troupe,
start sports training - whatever is to your
liking! You can meet many new people,
and you may even find a hidden talent of

10 Make friends.Don't just let yourself off
on your own! Make sure you try and meet
as many people as you can. Talk to them
as well. Start conversations. This is a
fantastic way to live your life to the fullest.
Friends will be there for you to catch your

11 Be fun to be around.Start a club, go
bowling with friends, whatever you want
to do.

12 Help others.Do deeds not just for your
friends, but also donate to charities. Do a
door knock for a good cause, put old
clothes and toys in the charity bins they
have around. A visit to a hospital or a
retirement home to make someones day.
Wrap an extra Christmas present and put
it under a charity tree (they have these at
most shopping centers and big stores).
After all, they want to live a great life

13 Treat yourself.After a days work, give
yourself a treat. This will help drive
yourself to be the best.

How To Build Self‐ Control

Make a list of the positives and
negatives in your life.Write down a list of
which areas of your life are suffering and
which are prospering. Focus on the
essentials in order to keep the list brief.

*.Take a look at the areas you suck with.
Brainstorm ways to deal with them. If you
are failing all of your classes in school,
you might need to study! If you are
gaining weight at an alarming rate, you
may need to sacrifice a few candy bars.

Think of causes and solutions to every
problem that you write down.

.Recognize that you are not the only one
with this problem. People often refer to
poor self-control when they have
problems with diet, exercise, work or
study habits, addictions, and emotional
behavior. These are all parts of life that
many people find difficulty regulating.

Research the area in which you are
lacking control. Read books or articles
about the area you are having difficulty
with. Becoming informed makes it much
easier to make the right decision when
you're tempted to overdo something. For
example, if you want to lose weight,
taking the time to read about nutrition
and healthy dieting will naturally motivate
you and make eating right much more
enjoyable. In terms of gaining self-
control, knowledge really is power!
*.If you have friends with similar
problems, ask them about their own
experiences. By comparing notes, you
might get tips on the coping mechanisms
and strategies that they use. It also helps
to have reassurance that struggling with
self-control does not make you a weak

Act On Your Analysis
1 Gradually increase your ability for self-
denial.Start small by challenging yourself
to control your behavior for a short
period of time. For example, if you are
addicted to television, try turning it off for
one day. Then work up to leaving it off
for two days, then longer. If you are
struggling with your diet, promise
yourself to only eat one dessert item a
day. For every decision you make, leave
room to gradually increase the level of
*.Don't try to break your destructive habit
all at once. This is likely to lead to a
dramatic "falling off the wagon" that will
leave you feeling depressed and hopeless.

2 Enlist your friends and family to help
you.Tell your family to remind you of
your goals whenever you fall back into
bad behaviors. A friendly reminder is all
that's required. Constant nagging will
only make you hide and sneak around.
*.Family and friends can also join you in
alternative actions when you're having
trouble controlling yourself. For example,
if your friends are drinking and you're
trying to abstain, ask if one of them
wouldn't mind joining you in a trip to get
some ice cream.

3 Distract yourself.When you feel the
urge to lose your self-control,
immediately think of something else you
could be doing. Go for a walk. Write a
thank you card. Drink a glass of water.
This will derail the train of thought and
give you time to regain your self-

4 Learn how to relax. Part of self-control
is learning how to relax and to ease the
tension. Research different methods of
relaxing your body and mind and decide
which best suits you.
*.Consider meditation. Meditation is all
about discipline, and the point of it is to
discipline your mind to such a state where
it remains clear, while positive energy
flows through you. You're meant to not
anchor yourself to specific thoughts.
Practicing meditation may give you a
sense of renewed self-disciple,
concentration, and happiness.
*.Try deep breathing. This is something
you can do wherever you are. Simply
close your eyes. Exhale completely. Inhale
slowly, counting up to four and hold the
breath, counting up to seven. Then
release the breath very slowly, counting
up to eight.

How To Overcome Social Anxiety

You want to meet people, make friends,
and share yourself with the world, but
social interactions can be nerve wracking
for all of us. People with social anxiety
constantly doubt their social adequacy,
and worry about what might happen if
people don’t like them or if they say or do
the wrong thing. Although therapy can be
very useful for people who suffer from
social anxiety disorder, there a number of
techniques you can try to cure your
anxiety without the need for professional
help. Just see Step 1 below to get started.

1.Recognizing Your Triggers
Learn to recognize the situations and
people that make you anxious.Do you feel
that pang of anxiety when you walk into
the classroom or the lunch room? Maybe
certain people, like your boss or
coworkers trigger your anxiety when you
interact with them. Maybe you clam up in
a group of close friends when the
conversation turns to certain topics. Pay
attention to the moments in which you
feel anxiety. What causes it? When do you
feel it?

2.Also pay attention to situations you
tend to avoid. Do you always sit by
yourself at lunch, rather than asking to sit
with others? Always turn down invitations
to parties? Do you hurry past coworkers
gathering to go for happy hour drinks? Do
you avoid using public restrooms?

3.Make a list of the places that make you
anxious.Take a notebook with you when
you go out and keep it handy. When you
feel anxious, make a note of it. Describe
where you are, who is with you, and what
you're feeling. Be specific.

4.Keeping a journal is a great way to
"talk" without fear of judgment. Keep one
and write in it regularly. Personalize it
with drawings, photographs and
quotations that you enjoy.
Order the list into an "exposure
hierarchy." Look at your list of anxiety
triggers and order them from least to
most intimidating. At the bottom of the
list might be speaking in class or asking a
stranger for directions, while at the top of
the list might be asking someone to a
dinner date or singing karaoke. It's up to
you, but be completely honest. [1]
*.You might try going through and
assigning them numbers first to help with
the ordering. Give a 1 for "scary" triggers,
a 2 for "quite scary," and a 3 if they are
the "most scary" triggers.

5 Set small objective goals for each item
on the list.In general, you want to work
on feeling more comfortable and
confident in group settings, but what
kinds of steps will it take to accomplish
that specifically? It would be nice to tear
through the list in a week and get over all
anxieties at once, right? That might be
too much to take on. An objective goal
might be making three comments in a
classroom discussion of a novel, or to ask
one person on a dinner date--something
that you can quantify with a yes or a no,
"I did it" or "I can't."

6.Use your exposure hierarchy as a guide,
starting with the least intimidating

Monday, 16 February 2015

BREAKIING: Obasanjo Dumps PDP, Tears Membership Card In Public

Former President Olusegun Obasanjo on
Monday announced his decision to quit the Peoples Democratic
Party. To prove his decision was irreversible, Obasanjo tore his PDP
membership registration card. The former president announced his
decision when members of the party from his Ward II in Abeokuta
North Local Government Area of Ogun State visited him at his
Hilltop mansion residence in Abeokuta, the Ogun State capital.

More to come

Sunday, 15 February 2015

Jonathan lashes out at Obasanjo's vote rigging claim

Abuja - President Goodluck Jonathan
on Saturday dismissed allegations by
ex-president Olusegun Obasanjo that
he was plotting to rig rescheduled
presidential elections next month.
A presidency statement said
Read more »

Saturday, 14 February 2015

Don Jazzy Plays Chess With Paul Okoye

The game is
proving to be serious, then
guess who is winning.

Boko Haram Attack Military Formation In Gombe

Boko Haram militants  attacked a military
formation in Dadikowa town in
Gombe state.

The sect members reportedly
arrived the town  in 36 Hilux buses and a
dozen motorcycles and attacked
soldiers at the security
checkpoints of the town.

They then forced their way into
the town and burnt the quarter
guard of the 301 Artillery
They bugled some shops and also
burnt down public institutions
including the police station in the

The Nigerian military has
launched airstrikes on areas the
sect members are currently
attacking. The state government
has imposed a 24hr curfew in the

Toyin Aimakhu’s Husband Buys Her A Toyota Camry For Val

This is really wonderful

Happy Valentine’s Day To You

We want to use this medium to
wish all a happy and a
memorable Valentine’s day for
the year 2015.

Valentine’s Day is meant , to
demonstrate the true love of God
by sharing gifts with one another
and showing forgiveness and
concern for others.

Go out and show love to your
Partner, If you’re very boxed up
give hope to the hopeless, visit
orphanages and motherless
babies home, prison and
hospitals and so love.

let love speaks from your heart
today and forever.
Above all don’t forget to wish me
and your love ones a happy
Valentine’s day. We love you all.


The happy times are just beginning and this
day is just for you. It's a birthday and a
Valentine, better than one reason to
celebrate, you've been given two! Happy
Valentine's Birthday!

Valentine sms

Could you say where d sea ends from d
[Will u be my Valentine?]

U r D 1ly 1 prsn I want 2 b with 4 D rest of
my life and grow old with. I love you.
Live 4 d person ho dies 4u,
Smile 4 d person ho cries 4u,
Fight 4 d person ho protects u,
n luv d person ho luvs u more than
u..!...........valentine Day sms

U dnt hav 2 ask f i care. in evry word u say,
fil free 2 tel ur worries & realyz dt im here
4 now 4 always & 4 evr 4u
exclusvely...Happy Valetines

Let love b d guide to your dreams, let love
b d light to your heart, let your love b d
reason why some1else heart still continues
2 beat. Let me b your Valentine

Its not that I love you because you are
beautiful, but you are beautiful becuase I
love you.

Adam n Eve started to love, Romeo n Juliet
introduced it, Devdas n Paro suffered 4 it,
Laila n Majnu died for it, so my dear
friendz beware of it Feb 14 is ahead !

A kiss is just a kiss till u find the 1 u luv.
A hug is just a hug till u find the 1 u're
always thinkin of.

A dream is just a dream till it comes true.
Luv was just a word till I heard it from valentines day sms
Ur my strength, My luv, My heart.Ur luvn
touch I long 4 so mch, Ur voice so softly
dat whispers i'm ur's 4ever b mine my baby

I wish you were my Valentine
Though I may not be yours,
And I may, in my ignorance,
Be speaking to closed doors.
I have no inkling of your heart,
No hint what you might say;
But when I think of you the sun
Will just not go away.

Vn I need friend, U R here wid me.
Vn I need help, U R here wid me.
Vn I need sm1 who care, U R here wid me.
Vn I need sm1 who luv, U R here wid me.
Vn I need sm1 who spcl, U also R here wid
I miss U so much........................

U R D most wonderful man I have ever met.
U light up my life and I am always complete
and happy -
when I am by your side.
I will love U forever.
U put a smile in my heart.

Young BOYSs praying 2 "GOD
plz give me a beautiful Gal frnd
on upcoming *valentines day*
God replied:- sorry allready 2
million Boys r waiting for

PDP happy with postponement of elections

The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP)
has accepted the postponement of the
February general elections as announced by
the Independent National Electoral
Commission (INEC)

The party commended INEC for showing
the courage to shift the elections after
acknowledging the fact that its state of
preparedness was not 100 percent.
Femi Fani-Kayode, Director of Media and
Publicity of the party’s Presidential
Campaign Organisation, said the party has
accepted the shift in good faith since it was
taken in the interest of deepening
democracy and in national interest.

He noted that commission has by this
decision helped to guarantee the safety and
security of every Nigerian during the course
of the elections.
The lambasted the opposition All
Progressives Congress (APC) for insisting
that the elections must hold as scheduled.
He noted that the APC was trying to put the
country on the path of confrontation,
division, injustice, disaster and destruction

APC condemns polls shift

The All Progressives Congress (APC)
has condemned the Independent National
Electoral Commission (INEC) for
postponing the general elections for six

The party describes the decision of the
commission as setback for democracy in
the country.
John Odigie-Oyegun, the party’s National
Chairman, in a statement shortly after INEC
Chairman, Prof Attahiru Jega announced
the shift, said the reasons advanced for the
postponement were not genuine

He said the party would be meeting in an
emergency session to study the
implications of the postponement and will
inform Nigerians of its decisions in the next
few days.
He appealed to the party’s supporters to
remain calm even though what INEC did
was provocative.

Saturday, 7 February 2015


1. Call Her When you're feeling Sad.

2. Ask to See A Picture of Her;
When She was a Child..!

3. Occasionally Call Her; By Her
First and Middle

4. When She's feeling Insecure;
Stare Into Her
Eyes and Tell Her; "There is No-
One in the World
Who could be as Right for you as
She Is.."

5. Call Her when you done with
your work.. She
always waiting for that..

6. Try Desperately; To Make Her
Laugh When
She's feeling Down, and she will.

7. In the Middle of a
Conversation; Tell Her that
you Love Her a lot..

8. Notice When She's Wearing
Something New,
and give compliment her.

9. Hug Her When She gets
Jealous... Make her
realize only she is the one and
only for you..

10. Put your Arms Around Her;
When you Introduce Her to your friends
and family.


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1. Call Her When you're feeling Sad.

2. Ask to See A Picture of Her;
When She was a Child..!

3. Occasionally Call Her; By Her
First and Middle

4. When She's feeling Insecure;
Stare Into Her
Eyes and Tell Her; "There is No-
One in the World
Who could be as Right for you as
She Is.."

5. Call Her when you done with
your work.. She
always waiting for that..

6. Try Desperately; To Make Her
Laugh When
She's feeling Down, and she will.

7. In the Middle of a
Conversation; Tell Her that
you Love Her a lot..

8. Notice When She's Wearing
Something New,
and give compliment her.

9. Hug Her When She gets
Jealous... Make her
realize only she is the one and
only for you..

10. Put your Arms Around Her;
When you Introduce Her to your friends
and family.


Am thinking u, I have always.  Am sorry I didn't realise How much as often I should say it. But take kia of yourself 4 me, dat should be my job but am not there now. Promise me dat , n I will feel blessed. Gudnit dear.

Welcome 2 a new morng let smile b on ur face, LUV in ur heart, Gud Thoughts in ur mind. Wish u the Brightest Morning...Gud Morning, q a nice day!

If i cant get u off my mind, mayb u re supposed to be there. Remember, the mind can recognize what the heart is trying to deny. Good Morning!

I woke up but u werent a dream anymore, u re real. Alwys rememba hw special u're.  I hope ur day will be as bright as ur smile.

May ur soul embrace d happiness of dis day, begin dis day with a smile. Gudmrng.

A tut of u came in2 my world,d bryt crescent moon sayin u luk lovely 2nit, I brng u wishes 2 kip u fresh, prayers 2 kip u healty n luv 2 Kip u smiling. Gudnit.'


When you chat like this with your lady.
You: Hey
She: Hello
You: Xup
She: I'm fyn & u?
You: Gud
She: K.

There's another guy online chatting with her

Guy: Good morning Beauty, How's ur pretty
doing 2day?

She: Lol. do u 'av to make me blush dis early

Guy: You deserve that My Bestiee, U always
more beautiful whenever u blush.

She: Woww! stop flattering meeeee

Guy: I'm not, Baby, its just that I love u & your
happiness matters a lot to me.

She: I'm in a relationship Deariee but the
truth is
that u've a way of making me happy
whenever I
chat with you.

Guy: U deserve 2 be happy, enjoy ur day my
Angel,got 2 go now, chat latter.

She: tnx Swtdy, i'll miss u, can't wait 2 av u

***The greatest mistake a man can make in a
relationship ,is to give another man a chance
make his woman happy***


A key thing to making a relationship
last is trust. Make sure your bf/gf
knows that you trust them, but don't
let them use that against you. Don't
let people change your mind or push
you around, follow your own opinion
and make sure you give your partner
some space and freedom, don't be
possessive ;)



If she cries, hold her closely and
don't let go. If she hangs up call her
back. If he gets mad at u for being
mad at him and hangs up saying "Call
me when ur ready to talk," don't just
leave it. Guys hate that, it makes them
feel that you don't care.


Boyfriend guide: She walks away from
you mad*fallow her* She brushes
against your hand*you grab hers*
She's cold *give her your jacket She
slaps or hits you*grab her and don't
let go* She stares at your lips*kiss

RELATIONSHIP: How to keep a boyfriend

Having a boyfriend is great, especially
one that you can be yourself around.
The trick is to first get a good
boyfriend, and then you get to figure
out how to keep him.

ALways respect
him, don't degrade him in anyway,
what's worse than having a boyfriend
that dislikes you?

Don't forget he
has feelings too, all guys do, and they
want you to care about themm as
much as they care about you. So
don't forget to ask them how their
day went& if anything is bothering

Don't force them to fall in love
with, love is something that comes
naturally and by forcing it, you're
proving that you are not a good

Always be yourself, if he
likes you, he will like all of you. And if
you like him, you have to accept his
weird & sometimes annoying
behaviors too, because everybody has
them. I hope this helps: if there's
anyways I can improve, submit your